Thursday, January 5, 2012

He's So Great, He's Not Even Here

So my little pumpkin has grown so much since the last time I've written. He was a tad behind in talking compared to other kids his age, but overall, he's doing well. However, being lazy, there is one habit that I never corrected in my 4-year-old angel- he speaks in third person.

I should have said something to correct him earlier, however Facebook was kind of fascinating that year so I guess I let it slide. So now my little cherub refers to his room as "Caleb's room." For example, if I say to him, "You need to sleep in your room tonight" he responds with "No! Caleb sleeps in Mama's room!" and before the night is over with, he's kicking me in the stomach and poking out my eyes.

The bad thing is that I didn't even notice that the boy was doing it. My nephew pointed it out to me. It took me back to a conversation that I had with a friend where he said that its like people that speak in third person are so great that they're not here. And that's what my little munchkin is. I kind of like the thought of my kid being conceited. What better way to show he's my child than to be a little asshole?

I like the thought of him being 17-years-old and telling people to "kiss Caleb's ass" or being 24 and him telling people that "Caleb said fuck off." Of course, he could be a nice adult and simply say "Caleb doesn't feel like being bothered by you right now" or even "Caleb is close to stabbing you so if you know what's good for you, you'll get the hell out of Caleb's face" (I'm willing to bet that as a child of mine, this will come out of his mouth at least once).

If I had it to do over again, I probably would have corrected this behavior a long time ago. But then again, he's a pretty awesome kid and if anyone deserves to speak in third person, he does.

And Malika will kick your butt if you don't like it.